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  3. Wellness Design by Shin Matsunaga


The 9th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award Winner

Wellness Design by Shin Matsunaga

  • DATES : Mon. March 5 - Fri. March 30, 2007

The 9th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award was bestowed on Shin Matsunaga for his packaging design for ISSIMBOW’s “Katachi-koh” line of incense. Already well known for his designs for such long-lived and long-loved products as Takara’s “Can Chu-hi” beverage, “Scottie” tissues and Shiseido’s “UNO” men’s cosmetics, Mr. Matsunaga this time applied his peerless talent to creating a visually distinctive new design scheme for ISSIMBOW, a company named after Japan’s oldest medical compendium (10th CE). His contribution was part of a project thematically focused on “wellness,” proposing peaceful and healthful lifestyles for all. To promote the project, Mr. Matsunaga created two large-size posters (1456 x 1030mm) to serve as the key visuals for future product and service development. The first product is “Katachi-koh” incense (“koh” means incense), launched this spring, offered in three vividly colorful package variations: blue for “healthy life,” red for “beautiful life,” and yellow for “lively life.” In addition to the line’s packaging, Mr. Matsunaga also designed the incense’s various shapes (“katachi” means shape), colors and other details. He was presented the 9th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award in recognition of the outstanding quality and level of perfection of his creative input.

Exhibition Overview

The exhibition will introduce Mr. Matsunaga’s award-winning and other design work performed for ISSIMBOW, starting with his two large posters (1456 x 1030mm) and their derivative graphics, packaging, videos, etc. Also on display will be approximately 30 of his representative posters, gleaned from the many outstanding works he has created to date.

1997年急逝した亀倉雄策の生前の業績をたたえ、グラフィックデザイン界の発展に寄与することを目的として遺族の寄付により設立された亀倉雄策賞。亀倉が設立から長く会長を務めたJAGDA(社団法人日本グラフィックデザイナー協会)に運営を一任し、毎年国内賞「亀倉雄策賞」を、さらに3年に一度「亀倉雄策国際賞」を授与する。「亀倉雄策賞」は『Graphic Design in Japan』応募作品の中から、「亀倉雄策国際賞」は富山県立近代美術館で開催される「世界ポスタートリエンナーレトヤマ」の応募作品の中から、最も優れた作品の制作者を表彰するもの。「いつになっても東京オリンピックの亀倉と呼ばれること」を嫌い、亡くなる直前まで「今」の仕事で若い世代と競い、グラフィックデザイン誌『クリエイション』の編集を通じて、グラフィックデザインの芸術性、本質を追求した亀倉の遺志を尊重し、普遍性と革新性をもったグラフィックデザインを顕彰していく。賞金はいずれも50万円。賞状は佐藤卓によるデザイン。

第1回 田中一光
第2回 永井一正
第3回 原研哉
第4回 佐藤可士和
第5回 仲條正義
第6回 服部一成
第7回 勝井三雄
第8回 受賞者なし   ※全て敬称略


社団法人日本グラフィックデザイナー協会 亀倉雄策賞事務局