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  3. Aokid


Born in Tokyo,1988.
Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University Department of Film.

2014 Selected as a finalist for the 10th Graphic“1_Wall”.
2011 Selected as a finalist for the 5th Graphic“1_Wall”.
2009 Honorable mention, EPSON COLOR IMAGING CONTEST.
2008 High Honor, EPSON COLOR IMAGING CONTEST graphic section

Started break dance at the 3rd year of high school. Influenced by the film, “Water boys,” Aokid made own Water boys at the 3rd summers of high school. Continue stirring up, he entered the department of film at Tokyo Zokei University. Submitting pieces of paintings, photos and writing for competitions that he worked on daily during the school year to start exhibiting own work. During these years, he also started to organize dance and performance events. After graduated from the university, he continues producing artwork, while participated in the performance by dance companies, such as Tokyo Electrock Stairs. Thinking of film often when Aokid dances. Today, he carries backpack with the sketchbook by walking around town to town; producing drawings and practicing dance at night and absorbed in thought. Going to Cinema Theater and reading books, reality and imagination have relatively synchronized or shifted.Aokid practices dance in order to balance out the situation to draw. Currently, he mainly works on Aokid City, which tackles few times per year. It is a project about making an exciting city by building own imaginative one with other people. Aokid would like to grasp exciting places and moments by any means through own style. Please check out YouTube under“aokid,”you would meet my dance and performances. Enjoy the site as well!