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  3. Philippe Weisbecker

Philippe Weisbecker

Born in 1942, Philippe Weisbecker graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 1966. In 1968 he moved to New York and launched a career as an artist and illustrator. Today he bases his activities in Paris and Barcelona. Weisbecker’s main clients are: in the U.S., Herman Miller, Coca-Cola, Apple and Hermès; and in Japan,

Toraya, Panasonic, Mitsukoshi, Shiseido (“Hanatsubaki” magazine), Suntory and CLASKA. He has had numerous solo shows and participated in many group shows worldwide. In 2004 he received a Tokyo ADC Award for his “Live with Water” series for Suntory, and in 2008 he won the Yomiuri Advertising Awards Grand Prize for his Mitsukoshi ad campaign works.